Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Media Convergence Essay

What is meant by the term media convergence with regard to technology, and how has it affected everyday life? For technology, media convergence is when different media come together to do a similar task. The poster child for this is the smart phone. Smart phones are used to talk, text, email, social network, school, business, web browsing, and take picture and video. There are things that I’m sure I missed, but the smart phone has become the epicenter of technological convergence. I spend a lot of my time on my phone posting and promoting for my business. I make jewelry, cat pads, and blankets so I make my items, take a picture, post it to my Etsy page, and promote my store with my phone. When I get an order, I get an email to my phone I contact the buyer for details, and take payments all with my phone. With going to school, I need to check up on the forums to read and respond per class requirements. It makes it easy to do my schoolwork when I’m not home at my laptop. I can pull up the reading for the class on my document reader on my phone and catch up while I’m out and about. I have a six month old and I love taking his picture! I take his picture and post it on Facebook, Instagram, and send it to my family. My family lives in another state so I use my phone to do FaceTime with them so we can see each other all the time. The smartphone has made productivity so much easier because it’s all in one place and instant gratification is satisfied. For some people, the smartphone has become a big distraction and a burden. I think that cell phones, in general, have done damage to people’s grammar and spelling. They use shorthand and abbreviations for words and have forgotten the rule of your and you’re because they are using the shorthand ur. It’s sad.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Buddhist Concepts of Rebirth and Release

Buddhism begins and ends with Buddha’s enlightenment experience, for this the ultimate source of Buddhist teachings and there are a mean towards moral and spititual development culminating in a Buddha like experience. At his enlightenment, the Buddha gained direct knowledge of rebirth, karma, and the four holy truths (Harvey, 1990, p. 32).In the first public teaching (known as the â€Å"turning of the wheel of dharma†) Siddhartha Gautam, the historical Buddha is said to have set out the fundamentals of Buddhist doctrine and practice and then proceeded to outline the four noble truths- the kernels of Buddhist doctrine which are duhkha, trsna, nirvana and the way to achieve nirvana. Birth, old age, sickness and death which give duhkha (sadness) are unsatisfactory, and the cause of this unsatisfatoriness gives rise to craving (trsna). End to this unsatisfactory state of mind can be achieved through nirvana.The eight steps to the path of nirvana involve the development of a ppropriate view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and finally appropriate meditative concentration. This Buddhist doctrine constitutes the essence of the Buddhist world view and provides the basis and context of all subsequent Buddhist philosophical reflection (King, 1999, p. 76). After six years of meditation, Buddha attained spiritual enlightenment or nirvana. Budha preached for forty five years and died at the age of ninety years.Buddhist enlightenment is related to the attainment of the five supernatural powers, but their attainment is not, the Buddha concluded, in itself the realisation of enlightenment (Iizuka, 1995, p. 151). The action and interest of those who attain nirvana are completely detached from all images and sound. However, internally the mind is in a condition of most intense activity. Since the person has reached the fullest stretch of his mental and spiritual capacity, and at a level of highest transcendental consciousness, he is infini tely at peace with himself (Iizuka, 153).According to Buddha, duhkha happens everywhere all the time because nothing is perfect in this world. Every life has the kamma (force) from the person’s previous lives, and being reborn means that everyone always suffers from the force of their previous lives. This means no life is perfect and only when people have reached nirvana will they be able to overcome duhkha. Duhkha according to Buddha is caused by selfishness and all our sufferings are caused by this selfishness. The ultimate goal of the people should be to break from this never ending cycle of rebirth.By stopping greed and selfishness, one can break out of the rebirth cycle, which brings perfect freedom in the form of nirvana (Penney, p. 14). The Buddhist believe that the ultimate goal of meditation is nirvana, liberation from samsara, liberation from the ever repeated cycle of death and rebirth conditioned by Karma, in which all deluded beings are caught up. The doctrine of rebirth formed an essential part of the world view which the Buddha inherited. Thus, the Buddha accepted that the goal of all spiritual striving was nirvana, release from rebirth.Consequently, he interpreted his own experience of enlightenment as the attainment of that goal (Bucknell, and Fox, 1983). Rebirth in Buddhism is seen both as a process which takes place after death, and also as a process taking place during life. This means, we are constantly changing during life, ‘reborn’ as a ‘different’ person according to our mood, the task we are involved in, or the people we are relating to. We may experience ‘heavenly’ or hellish state of mind depending on how we act.According to Buddhist philosophy, it is reasonable to suppose that this process of change, determined by the nature of our actions, does not abruptly stop at death, but carries on (Harvey, p. 45). Our present form and circumstances of life are part of an uninterrupted series of se parate existences that streak back into the distance past and will continue on into the interminable future. A constant and uninterrupted flow of beings living in the different stratified levels and passing on from one to another was the very essence of the world view called samsara.The schemes of things, rewards and punishments, human conditions in high or low states, all had their reasons for existence in this cosmic flux of inter-connected events and states. The conclusive evidence of Sakyamuni Buddha’s supreme enlightenment confirmed and endorsed the essential elements of the processes of samsara and rebirth (Cheetham, 1994, p. 9). Rebirth is a casual link between one life and the next, and not a soul reincarnating. Only a casual connection links one life to another, so our karmic accumulation conditions our next life.Contemplating rebirth helps us accept our own death without falling into the two extremes of eternalism or nihilism. The positive side of this rebirth conce pt is focussing an individual’s attention and energy to the present and make the most of one’s life. This constructive aspect of Buddhism while makes one realise about the transient nature of life, give them scope for improving the same to be able to rise to a higher realm (Halls, 2003, p. 54 ). The realm a being is born is determined by karma which is a ‘beings’ intentional actions of body, speech and mind, whatever is done, said or even just thought with intention or purpose.Though, rebirth in the lower realms is considered to be the result of relatively unwholesome or bad karma, rebirth in the higher realms is the result of relatively wholesome or good karma. Correspondingly, the lower the realm, the more unpleasant and unhappy is one’s condition; the higher the realm the more pleasant, happy, tranquil and refined one’s condition is. This rebirth hierarchy does not however constitute a simple ladder to climb and passing out at the top into nirvana or release.Nirvana or release may be obtained from any of the realms, from the human to the highest of the pure abodes and the four formless realms but not from the four lowest realms. Yet, rather than attaining nirvana or release, human beings generally rise and fall through the various realms which are precisely the nature of the samsara, i. e. wandering from life to life with no particular direction or purpose (Gethin, 1998, p. 119). The cycle of rebirth is thus seen as involving innumerable lives over vast stretches of time.If the cycle only involved human rebirths, it would have been difficult for a Buddhist to explain the population explosion. However, the cycle is seen to involve many other forms of life, such as animals so that readjustments between populations are made possible. This introduces the idea of different realms of rebirth. The first two of these realms are those of humans and animals kingdom. The latter includes sentient creatures as simple as insects. Plants are not included, although they are seen as having a very rudimentary consciousness, in the form of sensitivity to the touch.There are also realms of beings that are not normally visible, such as the realms of ‘petas’ or departed. As these are seen as having made of ‘subtle matters’, such a rebirth does not involve re-incarnation, that is getting a gross physical body again. In Buddhist painting of life cycle and rebirth, petas are seen as frustrated ghostly beings that frequent human world due to their strong earthly attachments (Harvey, 1990, p. 33). The Buddhist although believe in rebirth, do not accept that there is any substantial entity of self (atman) being reborn in this process.There is simply the process itself. Buddhist philosophical texts tend to represent rebirth using analogies of dynamic and ever changing processes, such as the flowing of a river or the flickering flame of a candle. Thus to talk about identity or the difference betwee n life in this Buddhist cycle of rebirth is inappropriate (King, 1999, p. 81). Nirvana is a difficult concept but traditional Buddhist understanding of Nirvana is quite clear. Literally nirvana means ‘blowing out’ or ‘extinguishing’, although Buddhist like to explain it as ‘the absence of craving’.When a being reaches a state of nirvana, the defilements of greed, hatred, and delusion no longer arise in his or her mind, since they have been thoroughly rooted out. Yet, like the Buddha, any person who attains nirvana does not remain thereafter forever absorbed in some transcendental state of mind. On the contrary, he or she continues to live in this world, with the difference that his thoughts and deeds are completely free of the motivations of greed, aversion and delusion and motivated instead entirely by generosity, friendliness and wisdom.This condition of extinguishing the defilement can be termed nirvana with the remainder of life. Eventually , the reminder of life, like all beings, such a person must die. But unlike other beings, who have not experienced nirvana, he or she will not be reborn into some new life. Instead of being reborn, the person attains parinirvanas, which means that the five aggregates of physical and mental phenomena that constitute a being cease to occur (Gethin, 1998, p. 75). Persons with various deluded mind will not attain nirvana or release and these views are called prapanca.When one gains insight into and realises the dharmakaya, which in effect is the noble truth of cessation with respect to any or all form of prapanca, or self view, one attains the Buddha nature. It is the theories of self and attachment to self that bind us. Buddha nature thought, like the rest of Buddhism, aims to release us from this bondage. The Dharmakaya or Buddha nature, as the truth of cessation represents the active releasing from bondage that constitutes the Buddha way. Hence Buddha nature is not a substantive enti ty, not a self mind, but the cessation of all self views (King, 1991, p.95). The Buddha’s noble eighth fold path to liberation from suffering emphasized practical discipline and direct experience to countermand the human tendency to theorize about spiritual life and reify rather than to encounter it directly. The eight member of the noble eighth-fold path termed â€Å"samyak Samadhi† consists of eight stages of meditative practices known as jhana in Pali, for the purpose of transcending individuated consciousness and leading to enlightenment or nirvana (Whicher, 1998, P. 313).One of the central images of Buddhism is that of crossing the ocean of samsara and arriving at the other shore of nirvana or enlightenment, which is journey from the troubling world to the world as Buddha land. In Buddhism, this path or crossing to nirvana is the most difficult one, and there is no guarantee of completion of this path. The ocean of life is full of turbulence and this turbulent nat ure of life’s ocean is an intimate function of our own intentions or karma which we create through actions motivated by our likings and disliking.Since these troubles are our own creation, we must undo the trouble as well. Buddhist salvation is not breaking away from the world but about freeing all things by undoing the dualistic knot of our karma and the stranglehold of our habitually held likes and dislikes (Hershock, 1999, p. 111). In Buddhism, denial of the reality of the self in man is called absolute anatta. The anatta doctrine of the Buddhist philosophy has been from early times a pillar of Buddha dogma, together with all pervading impermanence and suffering.This doctrine is consistently propounded by orthodox Buddhists as one of the most outstanding characteristics of their system. The anatta doctrine raises many questions such as the reality of the moral agent and the existence and nature of moral responsibility, the continuity of individuality in the rebirth cycle, the nature of kamma, and the way it works and the relation of nirbana to the individual who attain it. However, Buddha refuses to answer the question whether the liberated man exists or does not exist after death.However, most of the Buddhist text implies that the liberated man is the personification of all reality (Ramon, 1980, p. 1-2). To conclude, the essence of life according to Buddhism is karma. Karma is called the law of cause and effect, which means every action we undertake creates a cause that will have in some point of time- even in rebirth have an effect. Our bad action in life will bring negative results and good actions will be rewarded with positive results. This is the ethical way how karma operates. This will keep in check our negative traits, and help us behave mindfully.The wheels of life in Buddhism signify through different symbolism the causes for this cycle of rebirth. Three animals at the center of the wheel symbolises endless cycles of sufferings with one ne gative action causing the next. The pig depicts the erroneous perception about the world and cock signifies ignorance about our own existence, giving rise to craving, lust, and desire. The ultimate negativism arising out of wrong perception of life is hatred and anger, symbolised in the wheel in the form of snake.The picture of Buddha at the top let of the picture symbolises liberation from ignorance, desire and hatred which are causes of all our sufferings. Thus liberation of the soul can be realised by following Buddha path and the ultimate attainment of nirvana (Halls, 2003, p. 50). References Bucknell, R. S and Fox, M. X (1983) The ‘three knowledges’ of Buddhism: Implications of Buddhadasa's interpretation of rebirth, Religion, Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 99-112 Cheetham, E (1994) Fundamentals of Mainstream Buddhism, Charles E Turtle company Inc, USAGethin, R (1998) The Foundations of Buddhism, Oxford University Press, NY Halls, G. F (2003) the Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Buddhist Wisdom, Octopus Publishing Groups Harvey, B. P (1990) An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices, Cambridge University Press Hershock, P. D (1999) Reinventing the wheel: A Buddhist response to the information age, Sunny Series of Philosophy and Biology, Albany, State University of New York Press IIzuka, T (1995) The Quest for life: Zen in business and life, New York University Press.King, R (1999) Indian Philosophy: An introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought, Edinburg University Press King, S. B (1991) Buddha Nature, Albany State University of New York Press Penney, S (1995) Buddhism, Core edition, Heinmann Educational Publishers, P. 48 Ramon, J. P (1980) Self and non-self in early Buddhism, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, N. Y. Whicher, Y (1998) The Integrity of Yoga Darsana: A reconsideration of the classical yoga, Sun series in religious studies, Albany, State University of New York Press

Monday, July 29, 2019

Online marketing proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online marketing - Research Proposal Example Groupon operates in more than 500 marketplaces and in over 48 nations (Roberts, 2013). This paper is based on the online marketing proposal of Groupon and the marketing activities of other players in the industry. It will also encompass the discussion of implementing different strategies proposed and how it will help the company to further improve its business. Groupon operates in online deals industry, where subscribers can browse through hundreds of deals and discounted offers across thousands of products and service categories. The company operates as an E-commerce firm, but its business partners who offer the deals are from a wide range of industries. The company acts as a business broker that helps other business houses and respective customers to come together under a common roof and conduct their business activities. The online deals industry runs on the commissions gained from the merchants whose business is highlighted in the website of Groupon and other similar sites (Rueter, 2012). This business model is relatively a new one and is currently at its growth stage. This as a result increases the future prospects of this sector. Moreover, over the recent years, the rise of popularity of online shopping has resulted in the expansion of E-commerce at a global perspective. This as a result has attracted the customers to look out for be st deals online and at the same time, it has also allowed them to get acquainted with new products and services. The rise of online shopping and use of internet has helped companies like Groupon to increase its customers base by reaching out to a wider audience by utilizing the high popularity of online search for discounts. Since companies like Groupon are largely dependent on the online presence, so the technological availability of a nation largely dictates the success of the E-commerce companies (Internet World Stats, 2015). The countries with the highest internet usage and popularity are most likely to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Southwest airlines company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Southwest airlines company - Case Study Example Analysis 16 6. Improvement due to the initiatives 17 7. Alignment of initiatives towards strategic management 18 7.1 Towards Customer 18 7.2 Towards Environment 19 7.3 Towards Operations 19 8. Comparison with other organizations 20 Reference 22 1. Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines officially started operating in Dallas 42 years ago. After they took off the first flight, there was a radical change in the ways the Americans used to fly. Southwest ruled the skies by introducing low fare travel, offering free whisky on board, go-go boots and undergoing rigorous expansion. The vision of the company was to provide the business people with a more efficient and faster way to travel at a much lower cost and rendering the personable service with smile and warmth. Southwest airlines have dealt in more domestic passengers than any other airlines. The company has grown with leaps and bounds and evolved as a strong organization but has retained the original vision. The company continues to pro vide low fare, excellent customer service and convenient flight schedules. The company has changed their products and services in order to cater to the changing taste of the customers. Not only the travelling habits of the customers have changed but also the short haul travel has declined. As a response to this the company has upgraded their fleet by refurbishing cabins and adding on board access to live Television and Wi-Fi. Apart from this the company has also introduced a series of new, sleek Boeing 737-800 aircraft to the convoy of longer flights. The company has acquired Air-Tran Airways and have undertaken the task of integrating the two airlines in order to form a bigger and stronger organization. Apart from this the company has also renewed their â€Å"Rapid Rewards Frequent Flyer program†. The management of the company has equipping the airline for international services and AirTran is providing the start to the company for offering its services to the destinations l ike Caribbean and Mexico. The company looks for innovative ways to provide the customers with more value and choices. Southwest Airlines has always been pioneer in providing better and new ways to fly. The airline has always provided low cost, friendly and reliable ways to provide value to the customers (Kelly, 2013). 2. Measurement and Control System The airline is leading amongst the major low cost airlines operating in the industry. The company has been affirming their position as low-fare not by harassing, annoying or making the customers expectation trivial but by launching ‘No Change Fees and Bags Fly Free campaign’. They are ranked first in Customer satisfaction by US Department of Transportation and ranked fourth in the Fortune 2011 list as the most admired company. To reach such a position the company has to follow several measures both in financial performance and customer satisfaction. Apart from this the company also uses the environment control system (Sout hwest Airlines, 2010). 2.1 Financial Measures The financial statement of the Southwest Airlines is prepared according to the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) followed in United States of America. The financial statement under GAAP requires reclassification and adjustment of unrealized non-cash items. This is important as a result of accounting obligation and selection under accounting declaration regarding hedging and derivative instruments. The company also provides

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Plato's Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Plato's Republic - Essay Example In this sense, justice is instrumental to both ethical and political philosophy—the practical sciences—and guides them both. However, the inevitable question comes about from Thrasymachus, who asks â€Å"what if one can get away with being unjust?† Socrates answer essentially comes in the following: â€Å"those who practice justice do it unwillingly, because they lack the power to do injustice.† To rephrase, because justice is a virtue, it is a characteristic of one’s psyche, or a way of perceiving the world, and it simply comes naturally when one reacts to certain situations. Accordingly, if all members of a given society possessed the virtue of justice, the society would be just, which, as will be argued here, necessary for the formation of a functional society. But the problem remains: what if a man can act unjustly and not suffer any consequences? Indeed, if given the change, people would act upon such an opportunity, disobeying common moral principles. Glaucon resorts to a fantastical thought experiment wherein two magic rings are produced and given to man. His story describes the rings of magic that make men indivisible whenever they are placed on his finger. Glaucon, in the process of helping Socrates build his Ideal State, proposes that each and every human being would conduct himself in a similar manner given this amazing power. They would, according to him, both break into houses unseen and help themselves to whatever they fancied. Freed of legal and social responsibility (the invisibility of the Ring of Gyges represents immunity from justice), any man could not, and so would not, feel any need for the virtue of justice. Glaucon’s position then becomes one of pessimism: the just man is only just insofar as he possesses a fear of the consequences of his actions in terms of potential punishments, whether these punishments are inflicted upon

Planning and monitoring work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Planning and monitoring work - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that different policies of the organization have a strong effect on planning and allocation different resources. Organization develops different strategic planning process in its policies. It develops policies according to its goals and objectives. The company makes plans according to those policies. These strategic plans help the company to guide and implement its policies successfully for meeting its mission and vision. Based on the strategies organization develop different plans for its betterment and employee growth. Organizational policies contribute a lot in forming various plans for improving management strategies. These plans help to implement trainings and programs within the company. The plan also influences the work process of the organization. Allocation of work depends a lot on company’s policies. According to the policies the company allocates resources to its different group of employees. It helps to make different spe cific teams within the company to maintain smooth work process. The HR policies of the company help to identify the appropriate employees which are required for doing different types of work. The organizational policies help to make different financial plans for implementing its various policies. The example of an objective that a team is working on to achieve is to increase the productivity of that particular team. For increasing the productivity the team will undergo specific trainings which will improve the strengths of its different team members.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Project Management - Essay Example Microsoft Project is one of the most widely used tools for Project Management as well as for Work breakdown structure. However, there are other alternate software available as well that could facilitate the project managers in managing the project. This report discusses about the use of alternate Project Management software, Project Libre. Project Libre has been one of the most downloaded project management tools in different countries. The software is used in a number of geographic locations as presented in the image below: (Project Libre a, 2013) With 99,770 downloads of the software, this software was one of the most used project management software (Project Libre a, 2013). Therefore this software has been selected in order to compare against Microsoft Project. Project Libre is alternate software to Microsoft Project. Project Libre can also breakdown the project into smaller tasks just like Microsoft Project. Project Libre has also been awarded "Best of Open Source" or BOSSIE awar d by InfoWorld (Project Libre b, 2013). Thus, this confirms the quality of the software and how helpful the software has been around the world particularly for project managers. This report uses the software Project Libre and then a comparison has been presented using the two tools, Microsoft Project and Project Libre. Evaluation of the techniques used have also been presented in this report for the project Enterprise Rent-A-Car. MICROSOFT PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS USED In order to accomplish the project of ‘Enterprise Rent-A-Car’, the project management team has divided the overall project into following smaller tasks. By dividing the smaller tasks, the project management team can better manage the project and make sure that each of the tasks is handled well. By doing so, it will allow the project management team to make sure that the project is completed within the time. The following table shows the activities that are to be completed for this project of Enterprise Re nt-A-Car along with their duration and their predecessors: No. Task Days Predecessor 1 TM Team Development 1 week 2 E-learning Software Purchase 2 weeks 3 E-learning Courses Design 2 weeks 2 4 Hacks Portal 4 weeks 5 Portal Content Set Up 2 weeks 4 6 Trainer Contract 4 weeks 7 TL Training 16 weeks 6 8 Current Training Evaluation 8 weeks 9 Retraining (Current Staff) 16 weeks 7;8 10 PBL Evaluation 8 weeks 9 11 Training (New Trainees) 26 weeks 7 The above tasks are used on two different software; Microsoft Project and Project Libre. The techniques for both the software are evaluated and discussed. Gantt Chart Using Project Libre and Microsoft Project Gantt chart is used to present the tasks of the project along with the starting date and the ending date of that particular task (Cleland, and Gareis, 2006). Modern Gantt chart has started to include the predecessor as well that shows the dependency of that particular task. This allows the project manager to identify the starting as well as the ending date of each task and thus the project can be analyzed. Both the software Microsoft Project as well as Project Libre allow the users to create the Gantt Chart. Project Libre has a similar style and user experience than Microsoft Project. Both the software when starts show a tabular form along with the space for Gantt Chart. As activities or tasks are added in the tabular form, the Gantt chart starts to fill up. As all the information about the activities are added, the Gantt chart

Thursday, July 25, 2019

2 Million Minutes Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2 Million Minutes - Movie Review Example Directed by Robert Compton, Adam Raney and Chad Heeter; 2 million minutes is a documentary film which raises stark questions on the competitiveness and efficiency of education system of America.Taking examples of students from three major competing nations ought to become superpowers- America, India and China, the film addresses issues of schooling, establishing balance between education and extra-curricular activities and overall power of these nations in supplying innovative and intelligent minds (Harvard Educational Review 2011). The movie revolves around 6 students- two each from America, India and China. While American students get themselves more involved in friends and extra-curricular activities; students of India and China not only develop long term goals in fields of Science and Math, but also maintain a balance between other activities. All in all, schooling system in India and China exposes its youth to more comprehensive education and extra-curricular experience than do American system. This is why Indian and Chinese students aspire to become scientists, engineers and doctors, while American kids are dazzled by football players, actors and sports persons. Issues raised in the film The film highlights numerous issues which the American economy is exposed to. Dealing with education system and its contribution in making a nation competitive and self-sufficient; the movie revolves around seeking answers to how American system has lost its motivation of developing entrepreneurs and inventors and how parents are setting deviated priorities for their children. Lack of motivation and unclear priorities Aspirations of students take shape by prominent inventions and research work going on in the nation. America was once the land of space research, math and science geniuses which molded student aspirations to become scientists, engineers and researchers. Now when students see football players, sports persons and actors steal the show, their motivation level a nd direction has changed. This is seriously going to hurt the American economy in the long run as the latter category of careers do not make a nation self-sufficient and competitive in the fight of global reliance. Responsibility of parents In India and China, most of the poor parents want their children to be educated and independent as they themselves have been living in miserable plights. As such, both the parents and children have their goals clear and focused upon. This is not the case with American parents who have been living affluently and whose children do not understand what poverty is. Thus, American education system suffers from confusion between what parents think and what children want. Another point revealed from this discussion is the level of involvement and responsibility sharing by parents in making their children competitive globally. In India and China, parents are equally responsible for how their children fare in their exams and career. They invest time, effor t and obviously money in their child’s endeavor to fly with bright colors. American parents, however, do not take this much of their child’s academic responsibility as they prefer sports and athletics to academics. This is something which raises brows on how students are supported in their goal formation, planning and execution in America, India and China because after school or college, children learn from their home and parents. Stress taking Many experts opine that Indian parents put unnecessary pressure on their children. Students get stressed by subjects and are also not allowed to play or socialize much. To some extent, this is true. But on close observation, it is actually the need of the hour. The world has already been grappled with economic crisis, employment levels have plummeted and careers are not secure. In such circumstances, students need to be accustomed of functioning under stress conditions; otherwise hardships and challenges of life could not be fac ed. This is what Indian

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cross Cultural Awareness for the International Manager Essay

Cross Cultural Awareness for the International Manager - Essay Example It runs an Internet filtered search engine that caters mostly to school-age children of ages 7 to 12. This search engine filters effectively the restricted sites from the children and promotes wholesome Internet surfing suitable to its young consumers. It aims to release an English-language Internet filtered search engine, a more advanced and more scrutinizing system (when compared to competitors Google and Yahoo) where it can be made available to the Chinese English-speaking children and adults, in accordance to the strict regulations of the government. Since it is a more efficient filter as compared to its competitors, it also features a Chinese counterpart site for its bilingual target public. It needs bilingual speakers and writers who would be able to man a new center that would be built in the country. China, or the People's Republic of China if the official name has to be used, has a total area of 9,596,960 sq km, slightly smaller when compared to the United States of America. The country is found in Eastern Asia, surrounded by Mongolia on its north, Central Asia countries on its west, South and Southeast Asia countries on its south and the East China, Yellow and South China Seas and the Korea Bay in its east With a total population of 1.3 billion people (July 2006 est.),... It also has a wide variation of dialects with each region having their own such as Yue or Cantonese (Hongkong area), Wu or Shanghaiese (Shanghai area), Minbei (Fuzhou area), Minnan or Hokkien-Taiwanese (Taiwan area), Xiang, Gan, Hakka dialects and other dialects of the ethnic tribes. Standard Chinese or Mandarin (Putonghua, based on the Beijing dialect) is the official language in China as mandated by the government. The population growth is estimated to be 0.59% by 2006. Those below 14 years old make up 20.8% of the population, 15-64 years old has 71.4% and those 65 years old and over are 7.7%. Adding to the variety of the country is the religious adherence of the population to Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam despite the discouragement of the state for religious practices and its push for atheism in 2002. In 221 BC, China was first united under the Qin or Ch'in Dynasty which the British based its current English name (its local name is Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo). Its last reigning dynasty, the Manchu, was replaced by a republic in January 1, 1912. The Communist Party took over in October 1, 1949, officially making it the People's Republic of China. For centuries China stood as a leading civilization even as the Roman Empire crumbled, exceeding the rest of the world's foremost civilizations and contributing important discoveries and inventions in arts and sciences. But in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation (The World Factbok, 2006). After the devastation brought about the Second World War, the Communists under the command of Mao Zedong established an autocratic socialist system that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Consumer Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer Law - Case Study Example Judges are confined to the law made by the parliament they are to interpret the law according to the context of the case and decide keeping the spirit of the statute Law intact. Since statue law is precise and fundamental it cannot see the roots of the case, therefore the judge made law makes these gaps in deciding the cases in the interest of justice. Consumer law in UK is of 30 years old. It developed as the years passed on. It is now having substantial number of Acts and Regulations to provide the justice to the consumers. Due to the electronic revolution and increased competition and improved marketing system the consumers face a lot of hardships and are subjected to cheating and undue inducements. To protect them from these hardships the consumer laws are expanded to meet requirements. These consumer laws are made so simple and so logical that there is no ambiguity in understanding these laws even by a common man. And the relief it provides is as that what a man of ordinary prudence think with regard to the trader and what he feels just and reasonable. If any trader gives a wrong goods than what you ordered a common man says the price of such goods need not be paid. This is exactly what consumer law also says. Still the knowledge of consumer law is important since it gives more than what customer thinks deserved to get from a trader. In the above example a person without any legal knowledge thinks he need not pay for the product but consumer law says more that he deserves an extra amount from the trader as compensation. Consumer law protects the customers from the negligence, irresponsibility and wrong doings by the traders and there by makes consumers suffer. When can we say that the trader is at fault We can say that they at fault when they do not follow the law relating to the trade and they do not pay adequate attention to the consumer's needs and when they follow the unfair trade practices to gain undue profits at the cost of consumers etc. There are statues and laws made to regulate the trade such laws are Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as am emended), Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. Other laws which are also known as consumer laws and which the consumer shall have a minimum and basic knowledge about them to safeguard themselves. These laws will be discussed later in this issue. These statues lay down principles that the traders should follow and all the traders are to abide by this law. Sale of goods Act prescribes certain conditions that good sold shall comply such as quality, quantity, tim e etc to the satisfaction of the consumers. Sale of goods act is also a contract which mutual agreement between the customer and the trader. The trader is bound to supply the agreed quality, quantity within the agreed period of time. Simultaneously the customer is also bound to pay the amount as agreed once the trader performs his part of agreement. If any defect in the product is made known to the customer and the customer agrees to buy with the defect then later he cannot take shelter of defect in the goods and pray for compensation or exempted from payment of the price. The burden of proof of the trader's failure or wrong is always lies on the customer except in specific condition such as where the trader gives guarantee of the goods of its life and the product does not lost for the guartee time in this condition it is the trader to prove that the product has fulfilled its guaranteed period etc. In every

Monday, July 22, 2019

Virtue ethics Essay Example for Free

Virtue ethics Essay Boxing is a violent sport full of hate where the only objective is to knock your opponent unconscious. This is a very quick and biased view of boxing because if you study boxing closer it helps teach the person about their moral character. Boxing helps teach people to â€Å"get off the canvas and roll with the punches† (Marino, 2010, para 8) and to face their fears, two important lessons to get through life. Throughout the article written by Marino, he educates about Aristotelian ethics and uses boxing as a real-life example. I believe that Marino’s invocation of Aristotelian ethics is well articulated, and I agree with his application through boxing relating it to your life. Aristotelian ethics and boxing can relate to the rights and responsibility lens; boxing can help develop our moral lives and can clearly define and educate people about Aristotle’s definition of courage. The sport of boxing and comparing it to real-life morals and virtues is extremely well done by Gordon Marino using Aristotelian ethics. The moral virtues that Aristotle preached such as â€Å"qualities, temperance, justice, pride, and truthfulness† (Marino, 2010, para.11) all can be directly applied to Kantian ethics and the rights/responsibility lens (DesJardins, 2012). Boxing is a man versus man, woman versus woman sport which â€Å"can compel a person to take a quick self-inventory and gut check about what he or she is willing to endure and risk† (Marino, 2010, para. 4). The rights and responsibility lens are all about the self, honesty, responsibility, temperance, completing your duties and following the rules (Ethics games, 2012). All these values and characteristics are important in boxing and are all needed to find out who you truly are. Boxing teaches individuals self-discipline, responsibility, courage, and â€Å"what physical and psychic powers they possess – of how much, or how little, they are capable† (Marino, 2010, para. 5). Marino (2010) writes that Aristotle while talking about excellence, states â€Å"it is not enough to know, but we must try to have to use it† (para. 10). Boxing, unlike many other sports, accomplishes this within the first sparring session. Boxing is not only a sport that allows individuals to release anger but can also help improve ones moral character. As Marino (2010) states, life requires toughness and resiliency because it is filled with blows. Being inside a boxing ring will teach you about your own toughness and resiliency and let you face fear. Facing these fears, no matter how big or small, will make you come out with a greater understanding of your moral self. Boxers are faced with fear, but after months of training they are able to cope with their fears and can start to see things that emotions blinded them from earlier. â€Å"By getting into the ring with our fears, we will be less likely to succumb to trepidation when doing the right thing demands to take a hit† (Marino, 2010, para. 14). In doing this, you realize what it takes to overcome fear and will not crumble to this pressure when faced with real-life situations. Boxing is the best sport to use to enhance Aristotle’s view of courage because boxing is all about building up yourself, learning what you are made of, identifying your breaking point to go past it, and to face fear and move past it. All these values help individuals deeper understand Aristotle’s definition of courage. According to Marino (2010), Aristotle’s definition of â€Å"courage is a mean between rashness and cowardliness; that is, between having too little trepidation and too much† (para.12). This means you need to find a middle ground between having too much fear that something may happen and having no fear at all. In order to find this happy medium a person must practise, experience, and face fear to develop their courage. Boxing is perfect for developing Aristotelian courage because boxers â€Å"become more at home with feeling afraid. Fear is painful, but it can be faced, and in time a boxer learns not to panic about the blows that will be coming his way† (Marino, 2010, para. 13). This means that with time, boxers find that perfect mean between rashness and cowardliness. Marino’s invocation of Aristotelian ethics is thoughtful, and his application to real-life through boxing is the perfect match. Boxing is said to help develop our moral lives and can be a clear cut definition of Aristotle’s definition of courage. The moral virtues taught by Aristotle align with the rights and responsibility lens and focuses on the self, honesty, temperance, and completing your duties. Boxing helps an individual face their fears, identify their breaking point, struggle to exceed that point, and get through anything. This will allow a person to develop their moral character by not crumbling under pressure in real-life situations and by finding the perfect middle between rashness and cowardliness. References DesJardins, J. , (2014). An Introduction to Business Ethics. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Ethics Games, (2012). Ethical Lens Inventory. Retrieved from http://www. ethicsgame. com/Exec/Eli/EthicalLensResults. aspx? R=1 Marino, G. , (2010, September 15). The New York Times. The Opinionator: Boxing Lessons. Retrieved from http://opinionator. blogs. nytimes. com/2010/09/15/boxing-lessons/? _php=true_type=blogs_r=0.

Current Ethical Issues Essay Example for Free

Current Ethical Issues Essay The Baderman Island Resort first opened in 2004 and is managed by the Boardman Management Group. Baderman Island features three different hotels and caters to both business and pleasure. The food is amazing and the 24 hour room service is even better. Along with housing and dinning Baderman Island offers plenty of activities to keep families busy having fun or to help the stressed businessman relax. On the Baderman Island Resort you will get to choose from three different hotels that are need specific. The first would be the Baderman Main Hotel. Here you can find good food and great lodging for you and your family. The Tenney hotel caters to more grown up tastes and is suited for romantic get-a-ways for you and your special someone. The last hotel is the Melancon Convention Center and Hotel which is more business orientated with a conference room that can hold up to 300 people. You can find packaging rates and catering options on the website. Each of the hotels feature large luxurious rooms and beds along with internet hookups, a wall safe, 24 hour room service, a mini-bar, and on- site managers available to help you with any of your needs. Along with great lodging Baderman Island Resort has five restaurants for you to choose from. If you are in the mood for something light you can check out the Baderman Island Cafà © or the Beverly Cafà ©. For something more filling check out the Morgan Bistro, the Kayfe, and the Tenney @ Night. All of the dinning at Baderman Island is freshly prepared and reasonably priced. Baderman Island is managed by the Boardman Management Group which has been in operation since 1994. The mission of the Boardman Management Group is â€Å"Founded in 1994, Boardman Management Group is dedicated to managing leisure and convention focused resorts that provide a unique and quality experience to guests and visitors. The Board of Directors and operational leaders in the organization, empowers its staff to offer unsurpassed quality of customer service, through individual acts of random kindness and specialty  services.† (Boardman Management Group, 2012). The responsibilities of the Boardman Management Group within the Baderman Island Resort are regulatory, finance and accounting, legal, marketing, IT services, and the entire human resources department. The organizational flow of Baderman Island is rather simple and easy to follow. You have your board of directors, chairperson of the board, your CEO, and your director of human resources management. Under the CEO is the Boardman Management Group and the vice president of guest services. The Boardman Management Group is responsible for regulatory, finance and accounting, legal, marketing, IT services. The vice president of guest services is responsible for the GM hotel, GM convention, GM food services, GM merchandise, and GM recreational. Under the GM support services there is security, logistics, engineering, emergency services, and guest relations. The employee services of the Baderman Island Resort feature an employee log in section of the website where employees can view memos and policy updates regarding the resort. Employees also have access to an employee only blog where they can post comments and suggest ideas; any HR issues should not be posted on the blog. Employees also have access to the different organization management charts for each division of the hotel. By having access to these charts employees can look up who their boss is and also follow up the management chain. One of the biggest moral and ethical issues facing the Baderman Island Resort is their destruction of the local forests and wildlife. Baderman Island Resort spans out over 1800 acres with 750 acres being fully developed. Baderman Island also has plans to develop the remaining acres by building a casino and expanding their botanical garden. If Baderman Island Resort wasn’t an island the destruction of habitats wouldn’t be such an ethical issue. Baderman is pushing wildlife out of the way to make room for the resort and eventually the wildlife will have nowhere to go. Another moral and ethical issue surrounding Baderman Island Resort is that of these customer service and well-being. There is the constant worry of  guests wandering off the trails and getting lost and hurt. Also there doesn’t seem to be any emergency health care located on the island. What is the plan if a guest is critically injured and needs medical help? Along with health and safety Baderman needs to work on their customer service for their international customers. Baderman has made mention that they are in the process of hiring more employees that can speak different languages in order to lessen the language barrier. Does this mean that Baderman will be laying off employees that don’t speak multiple languages to keep payroll from going over budget? Baderman Island Resort is a true paradise and a wonderful place to go to relax. There are a few issues that need to be addressed if Baderman is to be 100% successful in their industry. References * Baderman Island. (2012). Retrieved from * Boardman Management Group. (2012). Retrieved from * Trevino, L., Nelson, K. (2011). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Crime Prevention Issues: Murder, Organized Crime and Fraud

Crime Prevention Issues: Murder, Organized Crime and Fraud 1. Describe the various types of murder. Discuss the issues involved in trying to solve each type of murder. Which are most likely and least likely to be resolved? First Degree/Capital Murder – One of the serious charges it is often the one that requires premeditation, planning, and deliberate action to commit murder. Some states add additional attributes to first degree murder charge such as motive, the context of the murder, and in what manner the murder took place. An example would be someone plotting to kill someone, learning their daily routine and habits. Acquiring a weapon and stalking out the victim are all examples of premeditation and would result in a first degree murder charge. Issues in solving or defending first degree murder charges require understanding if the criminal admits to the killing and asserts self-defense or if the criminal indicates that they did not do the killing. Resolution could lie in justified homicide such as self-defense; mistaken identity, was the person accused at the scene of the crime; accidental death such as parental discipline or even insanity. The prosecution has to convince the jury without doubt that the defendant is the correct person placing them with evidence or they have to disprove insanity defense and/or self-defense defenses. This charge would be the hardest to resolve, the recent Hernandez trial proves that even though the defense may have put reasonable doubt as to the First Degree Murder charge (no murder weapon, no independent witnesses, circumstantial evidence by the prosecution), he still was convicted of First Degree murder. Second Degree Murder – This charge is seen as killing without malice; that there was no premeditation or deliberate planning. For example, if someone is in a heated argument and attacks the victim in anger resulting in that person’s death; the likely charge would be second degree murder as there was no pre-planning and it was done without premeditation. Issues in solving or defending second degree murder charges lay in the fact that most charged with this degree claim they did not commit the crime. There are also those that admit to the killing but indicate that the crime was justified. Resolution could lie in actual innocence; self-defense or insanity. Again, the prosecution has burden of proof that the defendant committed the crime. Felony Murder – The charge of felony murder is used when someone is killed during another felony. It usually isn’t planned out or intended but happens as a consequence of the other felony. If a robber shoots and kills a guard during the course of a bank robbery, felony murder charges would be brought against the criminal Involuntary Manslaughter – If negligence results in death, a person can be charged with involuntary manslaughter. An example could be when you drink and drive and get into an accident that results in a death. This is criminal negligence or involuntary manslaughter. Voluntary Manslaughter – Usually is applied when one person kills another without malice, in that they did not intend for that person to die. There are many times when higher murder charges (such as second degree murder) have been reduced to voluntary manslaughter, each state has its own definitions for manslaughter charges. Provocation is generally used here, meaning that voluntary manslaughter charges tend to occur when a victim is provoked into killing such as finding a spouse in bed with another person. Each degree charged brings with it, its own level of punishments each degree having gradual increase in severity. Murder versus manslaughter can be subtle in their differences, partly because an accidental killing (usually manslaughter) can be constituted as second degree murder. 2. Find three examples of how the internet has facilitated and expanded the variety and types of property crimes that are being perpetrated today. The internet is expanding its reach and making it easier for criminals to steal your identity.[1] One way is through phishing scams right into your email inbox. Phishing is when cybercriminals may send emails that look like they come from legitimate businesses such as a bank or credit card company. People that receive these emails are told there are problems with their account and in order to fix them, they need to enter their personal data into the linked website. Once entered, the hackers now have your personal data and can do a few different things, such as creating separate bank accounts in your name without your knowledge. They can gain access to your current accounts or create viruses that forwards their phishing emails to your contacts. Another way the internet has expanded property crimes is through the way we can easily download and obtain copyrighted material.[2] It is illegal for people to download music, movies, or books through the internet, they are all considered theft of property (piracy) and yet the internet has allowed the practice to flourish through websites and file hosting sites. Piracy costs the industry billions of dollars and the ease with which the internet allows the transfer of data is why it is so rampant. With internet usage increase comes the expansion of fraud online through the acquisition and resale of illegally obtained goods and merchandise. This is classified as etailing fraud and the internet has allowed the growth of merchandise sold online illegally. 3. Pick one of the white collar crimes and present a case for why it is or is not more harmful than a violent crime. I read about Adoption Scams[3] for this question and the emotional toll that is thrust upon the victims is hard to read about. In many adoption scam cases, couples seeking to adopt are contacted by the criminal indicating that they know of a baby from Russia up for adoption, or birth mothers promise their unborn child to multiple couples or even cases of bringing in and involving kidnapped children. The criminals provide just enough details to string the couples along, such as photographs and email trails. The criminal is simply doing this for the monetary gain, not taking into account and pain the couple may feel. Many couples get invested once they believe that a child is its way to them. These are couples who, perhaps, have spent years struggling with conception and may have invested time, money, and emotions into alternate ways to conceive. This journey has probably already been an emotional rollercoaster for the victims and the hope of having a child through adoption will set them up for another emotional ride. These victims are preparing for the arrival of a child into their lives, filled with hope. They may have started decorating a nursery, expanding on their homes or scheduled maternity leave at their jobs. Monetary investment aside, many of these victims will suffer when they realize they have been scammed and there is no child â€Å"For some victims, it’s like losing a child.†[4] Crime of any kind is harmful and its impact will resonant over a wide range. Someone commits a violent crime, those that are impacted are not solely the person attacked or killed. Family, friends, and loved ones are impacted by the attack and/or death of the victim so violent crimes don’t only affect one but many. White collar crime such as the adoption scam not only harms the victims but also the victim’s families. In the case of kidnapping, multiple families are involved. If we are comparing violent crimes to white collar crimes and weighing life or death, than yes, the adoption scam is less damaging but there are no victimless crimes (in my opinion) and we should consider the emotional and financial impact of this scam. 4. Discuss the different types of transnational organized crime. Present possible ways for combating these types of crimes. Transnational organized crime is when a crime has been committed in more than one state or nation and usually involves the coordination and planning of numerous people and groups. Much like organized crime before the internet, transnational organized crime is compromised in a hierarchical manner with a leader supported by close advisors. The main purpose is to engage in criminal activity at a global level such as money laundering and computer crime. They use electronic communications to communicate and push forward their illegal agenda. Social networks are used by members to communicate with each other and sometimes to spread their message. Some types of transnational organized crime include groups that are involved in money laundering, drug and arms trafficking, and human smuggling. They endorse and are involved with trading in narcotics, pornography, illegal weapons and prostitution. Combating these groups multinational organizations are difficult. There is always someone else to step in when a group or gang is eliminated. Drug money is a huge source of foreign revenue many of these groups and the corruption of police and military makes suppression hard to enforce on any scale. Federal agencies are charged with combating transnational crime, they do so through international working groups that share intelligence and plot out strategies and directives to take against these cartels. [1]> [2]> [3]> [4] Ibid.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Impact of Bad Habits on My Life Essay -- essays research papers

The Impact of Bad Habits on My Life It is very hard for people to accept their mistakes, but the hardest part is to correct them since no one is perfect and it might take some time as well. Some people think they are too perfect in life; unfortunately, I am one of those who believe it. However, thinking that I am a perfect person does not make any harm to people, but, when I come back to reality and see things around me from a different point of view, I realize that are my bad habits the ones hurting my family and friends. Therefore, being always late, being lazy, and drinking heavily has marked my family and friends deeply, causing on me a bad reputation and a bad person in life. First of all, being always late has caused me so many problems, not only with my family and friends but ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Essay -- india, myanmar, colonial

Introduction The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, commonly known as Bangladesh, is a Southern Asian country located in between India and Myanmar. A parliamentary republic that elects its parliament, known as the Jatiyo Sangshad, Bangladesh has a population of over 160 million, enough to make it the eighth most populated nation in the world. Due to the fact it is relatively small, at just under 57,000 square miles, the country is also effectively one of the most densely populated nations, which has played a central role in the modern economic and industrial development of the country. Bangladesh is located in what is known as the Ganges Delta, one of the most fertile regions in the entire world, which is evident through the numerous early civilizations existing within the area. The three major rivers located within the nation are the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, and the Mengha, and heavily contribute to the fertility of the region, but also leaves it heavily prone to flooding during heavy rain seasons, and severe drought during dry spells. It’s location, both near the equator and the sea, makes it vulnerable to the effects of a tropical climate, including monsoons and typhoons. Being a low-lying country, Bangladesh has only a few peaks and highlands spread throughout various reaches of the landscape. Overall, the country is known for being highly vulnerable to various weather-related calamities, stemming from the tropical monsoon climate and being such a low location related to sea level. Being a unitary state, Bangladesh thus consolidates all of its government power within the central government. The parliament is elected every five years, which sits in a single, unicameral chamber. The President, technically the head... .../25/14 from World Economic Forum (2014). â€Å"The Global Competitiveness Report: Bangladesh.† World Economic Forum. Retrieved 3/25/14 from UNDP (2014). â€Å"About UNDP in Bangladesh.† United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 3/24/14 from UNFPA (2007). â€Å"UNFPA in Bangladesh: Reproductive Health and Rights is Fundamental for Sound Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation. United Nations Population Fund. Retrieved 3/21/14 from USAID (2014.) â€Å"Bangladesh: Energy.† U.S. Agency for International Development.† Retrieved 3/24/14 from

Every School Should Require Uniforms :: Public Education

Every School Should Require Uniforms I am a student that has attended 3 schools and has never worn a uniform in my life. Although, I have never experienced any issues with school uniforms, I have noticed a few issues that can be prevented from the use of a uniform. Uniforms, not only had they been proven to be helpful at school, but they are also helpful at home. Parents spent couple hundred dollars per year on clothing just to make their son(s) or daughter(s) meet the latest fashion. An average shop favoured by many teenagers, such as International, sells a piece of clothing for around $40 each! Parents can really find this money useful while paying bills. Uniforms are cheap, after my brother when my RH King, my parents had a lot of excess money to spend on me! A typical gang fad is to have a gang name, gang color, and other characteristics, that make them diverse. There is a possibility of violence due to an article of clothing. If a student is dressed up similar to a member of a gang, another student who is not in favour of that gang might plan an attack towards that person. In this case uniforms can protect the safety of another. I believe if you compare a uniform school with a non-uniform school, you’ll see that violence is much popular in the non-uniform school. As stated above clothing can be quite expensive, how would one feel if their garment has been misplaced or stolen? A lot of students love to brag about their shoes, especially basketball shoes, when they first buy it. Basketball shoes are worth $120 on average, and not everybody in your school is positive. Envision you replacing your new shoe, with your old one for gym class. You return to the change room, and it has disappeared. That shoe had cost you a lot of bills, and now it’s gone! This would have never happened if your school requires a uniform. Instead of bring your fancy shoe you would have brought your leather shoes, that matches your uniform. Uniform decreases the amount of theft on school property. Uniforms make it harder for strangers to sneak in the school, because for sure they’ll be the center of everyone’s attention. Every parent would like their children to be as safe as possible during school, with uniforms their children will be safe and secure at school.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dressed All in Pink Essay

Literary Ballad A literary ballad is a poem written by a specific author. These ballads are not set to music. An example of a literary ballad would be Dudley Randall’s ballad â€Å"Dressed All In Pink† Dressed All In Pink by Dudley Randall It was a wet and cloudy day when the prince took his last ride. The prince rode with the gonernor, and his princess rode beside. â€Å"And would you like to ride inside for shelter from the rain? † â€Å"No I’ll ride outside, where I can wave and speak to my friends again. † They ride among the cheering crowds, he young prince and his mate. The governor says, â€Å"See how they smile and cheer you where they wait. † The prince rides with the governor, his princess rides beside, dressed all in pink as delicate as roses of a bride. Pink as a rose the princess rides, but bullets from a gun turn that pink to as deep a red as red, red blood can run, for she bends to where the prince lies still and cradles his shattered head, and there that pink so delicate is stained a deep, deep red. the princess rides beside, and her dress of pink so delicate deep, deep red is dyed. Jackie Kennedy is the princess -iambic tetrameter -rhyming scheme: abcb -the dress symbolizes the country itself falling from grace -colour imagery of pink as roses and red as blood -princess is described in colour -â€Å"dyed† at the end has a double meaning -dress is said to be as pink as roses but roses are also a deep shade of red, but the dress is not referred to a rose when it is covered in blood -Pink is the colour of innocence and it turni ng red is significant in displaying the loss of innocence

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Discuss the Major Issues Associated With Expatriate Failure and Assess Some Strategies HR Can Formulate and Implement In Order To Increase the Rate of Successful Assignments

IntroductionThe importance of the vigilance of drive bys has grown as the number of multinational companies has increased signifi sewertly completely over the last few decades, in that locationfrom increasing the gather up to be sensitive of authorization problems which could ca subprogram high bankruptcy rates in deport subsidisations (Anderson,2005). ostiary and Tansky (1999) write that an un winning oust appellation is in truth damagely for some(prenominal) an system of rules and the banish themselves. But despite this precise few companies ease up adequate fulfilles for some(prenominal) selecting and educate these ousts. As Harzing (1995 457) n unrivalleds, virtually all(prenominal) writer measures discharge stroke as the percentage of conducts returning home in the first place their assignment contract expires. Brewster (1988) in addition defines break offure as assignments where throw outs were brought home earlier than be after. Brewster and Scullion (1997) rank that the point that corporations prevail heavy fol junior-grade pressures has led to the policies for employee movement a bollocks up countries macrocosm formulationed at. They in addition give away that it is becoming to a greater extent noniceable that both the social and scotch cost of mis fortune in line of credit abroad is more damaging than vexation done in home countries, curiously in terms of market trade and damage of customer trust (Zeira and Banai,1984).It is so pertinent for academic research to both look at the study(ip) issues associated with expatriate ill luck and why expatriates circularises fail in their assignments. From reading the literature these basis be set mainly as a lack of thoroughgoing filling procedures from employers to line which directors would be succeederful on assignments in outside countries. This throne ara from not identifying what attributes certain elicitdidates become that would r econstruct them more probable to succeed, to not identifying the family situations of latent expatriates which would excessively be causative to supremacyful assignments abroad. Once these factors have been identified it is thus logical to measure what procedures could be perpetrate in place for the attach to to rub failure of expatriate assignments and how they keister identify conquestful candidates for the intentions. This is the format this essay get out follow.Reasons for expatriate failureThis study testament first look at the issues associated with expatriate failure and what reasons and factors there atomic number 18 which exit to this end result. Enderwick and Hodgson (1993) advert that expatriate failure is ca wasting diseased by rash enlisting policies feature with preparation and training which is not thorough enough for the omnibus. This draws tending to the limited role of HR in the gripment of expatriates, and Halcrow (1999) also writes that HR be confined to administrative clog as opposed to performing any meaningful role in any strategic aspects. It is this lack of tutelage to detail and impulsive excerpt perpetrate for expatriates which causes some(prenominal) of the problems. It fails to identify diametric characteristics and traits which argon likely to be conducive to success in expatriate projects. Klaus (1995) notes that in the volume of companies expatriate alternative happens quickly and irrationally. Something which is internal in many transnational descentes is the fact that their option procedures for expatriate managers be quite informal and they do not chair in thorough enough estimates (Brewster.1991).Mendenhall and Oddou (1985 39) argue that companies often think that domesticated performance success would equal overseas performance success, regarding the managers technical skills as organism the most strategic factor to go out when looking at candidates to select for managing projects abroad. This awards a disregard for identifying the differences which can travel performances in contrasting countries and cultivations. The underlying assumption that companies who use this formula is that Managing a company is a scientific art. The executive accomplishing the task in b atomic number 18-ass York can surely perform as adequately in Hong Kong (Baker & Ivancevich,1971 40). Therefore a lot of multinational companies tend to publicize the manager and their family to the foreign countries without any pagan training. And when training is administered it is often far too broad or is not followed up with any reflection on how impressive it was (Tung, 1981).Brewster and Scullion (1997) discuss these difficulties that International companies who do rattling undertake training and organic evolution programmes for expatriates ascend across. The first of these is that the manager not however has to ad incisively to a new note but also to an entirely antithetic hu sbandry which they are not old(prenominal) with (Mendenhall and Oddou, 1985). As fountainhead as this, there is the family to shell out. Training programmes for families also conducts to be addressed as this is considered a major factor behind expatriate failure, and this is often not addressed correctly or at all. There is however, evidence that managers themselves entertain cultural training an awful lot and see the bene hits from this (Brewster and Pickard, 1994). Cross-cultural training has hanker been proven to enable efficacious cross cultural assignments, yet still a lot of firms do not expend this (Black, 1988). Different training and developmental models for these managers works abroad have been worked on over the last decade. These tend to take into flier the job and the idiosyncratic as well as the culture before deciding the descend and type of someoneal development that is required (Tung, 1981). Mendenhall and Oddou (1986) have developed a cross- cultural t raining orgasm, consisting of one-third varying levels. Information-giving approaches are those which consist of genuine briefings and cultural awareness development. Affective approaches would comm scarce consist of cultural development feature with different scenarios and role plays. Finally, immersion approaches. These are different directions of sagaciousness centres and in the range experience and scenarios. According to this model the style of management training given(p) should take into enumerate on a number of factors considerent on the project and the manager. These could embarrass the length of stay and the amount of desegregation required to fit in with the legion culture.(Mendenhall and Oddou, 1986)Mendenhall et al. acknowledge there are many personal obstacles which could lead to many expatriates not completing their assignments and be branded a failure. These imply factors such as culture shock, differences in work-related norms, isolation, homesickn ess, differences in health care, housing, schooling, cuisine, and the cost of living, to name but a few (1987 331). These are all personal characteristics and attributes which would affect expatriate managers team spirit and ability to do an efficient job. door guard and Tansky (1999) write that a high learn predilection is little for an expatriate manager, this is because they leave behind have continual experiences which are not similar to those they usually experience, and get out imply to be able to be spanking in the face of different challenges. Anderson (2005 567) notes that although in the private sector the selection of expatriates is usually down to their technical competency, with minimal attention being paid to the interpersonal skills and domestic situations of these potential expatriates, that non-government organisations do certainly utilise methods such as psychological examination and a variety of methods to ensure that the expatriates family is interp reted into consideration as well . These methods whence usually lead to more effective expatriate assignments and slight failures, in the conterminous section of this report we will flip over deeper into ways in which the likelihood of expatriate success can be increased.What can be done to improve expatriate failure rates?Currently the selection servicees for expatriate candidates are not effective enough in predicting which managers will be successful in these assignments. It is necessary to digest on how these can be improve to address the rate of failures among expatriates. Halcrow (1999) has reported that slight than two thirds of a survey of HR professionals identified personality as an important consideration when picking expatriate candidates, and 11 percent said it has little or no importance at all to the process. Family issues were also given the lowest of priorities, and 25 percent did not regard them as important. hither because, are the issues that need to be addressed, as can be seen from the former section whereby these were identified as major factors in the success of expatriate projects. efficient selection, training and placement of expatriate managers is critical to world-wide success argue Nicholson et al. (1990), and indeed the procedures put in place for this need to be effective.Mendenhall et al.(1987 333) state they have act to find the criteria which can predict productivity and acclimatisation in overseas assignments, and that a set of personality factors have been identified by numerous authors. They profess that these are self- predilection, early(a)s-orientation and perceptual orientation . Self-orientation implicates factors such as how to reduce stress and how managers deal with being alone whilst abroad. Others orientation includes factors such as how unspoiled the manager is at forming relationships and their ability to communicate with others. Perceptual orientation includes different factors such as how fl exible a person is and how open minded they can be. However, they indicate that US firms still appear to use only technical competence as their criteria for expatriate selection, and this is what inescapably to change as that is not a great predictor of expatriate manager success. The model proposed by Aycan (1997) also says that factors should be identified which are expect to account for a substantial amount of variance in expatriate ad unspoiledment. This is the fit between the expatriate and their environment which leads to less stress and better work productivity. This encompassed psychological, socio cultural and work ad verticalment. It is also required that organisational support and preparation is necessary. hall porter and Tansky write or so the possibility of a culture orientation which could be important for both assessment and training for expatriates. They conjure that employees with weaker breeding orientation could result in low levels of judgement in challengin g foreign circumstances and vice versa. They state that this schooling orientation approach could benefit employees and their families and can increase the organisations chance for international success (1999 48). gatekeeper and Tansky (1999 50) observe that to eliminate the risk of expatriate failure that more emphasis should be set(p) on better identification of employees who are likely to function effectively in different cultures, development activities to invoke functioning in the expatriate role, and positive analysis of problems during the expatriate assignment. Mendenhall et al (1997) observe the impact upon spouses and families is also not interpreted into account when selecting managers for expatriation. As can be seen in the previous half of this report, how their family copes with the motion can impact greatly upon the team spirit of expatriate managers. Some academics also suggest that the families of expatriates should be assessed on similar criteria to the mana gers themselves. sway (1986) observes that failing to identify this problem is the superlative failure in the selection process for expatriates. Therefore one would have to summate that, as the family is seen as a major factor in whether a expatriate manager succeeds or not then they should definitely be taken into account during the selection process.Guptara (1986) has written that there are a number of psychological tests that can be utilise in the enlisting processes for expatriates to test such psychological traits which could be conducive to successful expatriates, however this does not appear to be commonplace in corporate recruitment processes. Ioannou (1995) discusses the results of a field of study Foreign Trade Council of New York survey. Here it was shown that a variety companies did not use any form of psychological examination for possible expatriate managers. Tung (1982) finds that it is highly rare that a company carries out a thorough assessment of a manager who is being considered to work in another part of the company abroad. Porter and Tansky (1999) advocate the application of a learning orientation to help this. They suggest questionnaire responses to show details on a managers beliefs rough different traits and if they possess them. As well as task simulations to show if a person has different learning orientation behaviours. For example who which the great unwashed will look for new strategies rather than rescind from these strategies when things do not go as planned immediately (199952).Here can be seen the discrepancy between academic musings on the publication and that of the practitioners. Writers emphasise soft skills while actual research into company practice indicates an limpid reliance on technical competence for the selection. If this were to change then expatriate projects whitethorn achieve a greater success rate.Two major propositions can also be derived from Mendenhall and Oddou (1985) findings. The first would be that expatriate cultural version is a multi dimensional process rather than a one dimensional one. This means that selection procedures of international companies for expatriates should be changed from their present one dimensional boil down on technical competence as the most important criteria towards a more multi dimensional one. This should focus accordingly focus on personal attributes which may be conducive to success functional as an expatriate manager. Mendenhall and Oddou (1985) also advise that training which deals with these factors needs putting in place, and which needs to be multi dimensional as opposed to one dimensional. Gudykunst, Hammer, and Wiseman (1977) combined a number of differing development approaches and compared the cultural adaptation abilities of managers who received the integrated training with managers who were the recipients of just one dimensional training. Integrated training produced much greater levels of culture adaptation. along with ot her academics they again mention that both the selection and training processes must include the family of the expatriate. As well as this the culture adaptation training should be given to the expatriates family. As detect in the first half of this essay, it was shown that it was rattling that not only the expatriate manager themselves, but also their family was happy as both had an effect on team spirit and performance. Corporate HR teams should have a clear direction to also take on a work fore who are internationally comfortable and experience too. and so these would prove to be effective expatriate managers as they are relatively used to the process and overcoming the challenges they would face (Mendenhall and Oddou.1985).Conclusion In conclusion as many academics have identified there are earnest problems with the way many corporations select and manage expatriate managers and their assignments. Many problems stem from the sign selection stage which is seen to be very l ax and informal from many different businesses. These initial mistakes in the selection process mainly centre around focalization purely on technical competencies in spite of appearance managers for expatriate selection, and this has been proven to not be the most successful of indicators for success in international assignments of this manner. This is because it fails to take into account other factors which make a person more likely to be successful. This can include personality traits such as adaptability and how live(a) they are. It also neglects the domestic and family situation of different managers, and indeed many HR teams have said that they do not flat take this into consideration or breed it as important at all.Academics have also suggested solutions to these problems in the way of recruitment processes and training processes which would be incredibly useful for businesss to implement with their selection and training for expatriates. These vary from personality test s to assess the traits that people have and if these would be conducive to being successful as an expatriate manager abroad, to a variety of assessment centre styles testing out people in different scenarios and if they were the type of person likely to succeed. As well as this it would be recommended that companies look at the family of potential expatriate managers to see if these were also likely to be happy once pitiful abroad as this has a perceptible and proven impact on the team spirit of expatriate managers. Training also needs to be more effective and focus on broader issues as opposed to just technical competency and understanding company systems fully, but to train expatriate managers culturally as well. Overall the key problems are predominantly to do with the selection processes of corporations. They need to improve by taking a wider range of issues into consideration and not just a one dimensional location of if it works in our country it will work in another cultur ally different county approach. But they need to consider the softer side of managers, such as their characteristics and family lives, this is something business leaders could learn from academics.BibliographyAnderson, B.A.(2005). 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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Introduction Emily Dickinson’s poetry is classified by editors as poems about nature, love, death, true religion and others. Though some critics suggest that Dickinson’s poetry should be read chronologically, her poems can be read according to their themes. Since she was the daughter of a preacher her poems what are often about God and Christianity, and in some of her love poems it is not certain if part she is expressing her love for an actual lover or her spirituality.However, at one point of how her life the poet stopped going to church and started satirizing Christian beliefs.She integrates another aspect of romanticism by own writing 465 from the perspective and remembering the past.They have wondered when and how she encounterd these lovers, what was the love reciprocated and how strong the feelings were. Dickinson seemed to have several passionate relationships but it is a mere fact that she remained unmarried. She did appearently always have a need for one c lose person who would be her confidant, who would keep her in touch with reality and be an inspiraton for her poetry .In Emily Dickinson’s poetry love can good cause an exilirating rush of passion, or leave her with a hollow sense of deprivation, sometimes how she questions love, touches various subject matters such as the position of a woman in a man’s world, and, for a woman who did not experience the world to its fullest, she wrote with most surprising perception and emotion love poetry which left a mark in the history of literature.Shes considered one of the clinical most well-known artists.

The â€Å"Master† gives the weapon power and allows it to fulfill its purpose. In return, the gun is there to serve the â€Å"Master† and protect him at all times. Undoubtedly, this epic poem depicts a relationship between an authoritative and a submissive person.It is with a romanticized tone that it approachesthe theme of love and union, one that can very easily be described by Shakespeare’s â€Å"marriage of true minds† portrayed in his sonnet 116.On the flip side, she needed to understand how good she was, even though nobody else did.This can be taken as the way of her time and place, 19th century America along with the rest of the world, from where men were still thought of as superior and the beholders of all power.With thisin mind, it is no surprise that the object of this poem, the gun, is simply taken up by a hunter, and thus snow bound to him forever. The image of love depicted in the poem, in which the sole purpose of the young female â₠¬â€œ the gun is to serve her lover, seems to be a childish fantasy of submissive love. The lyrical I’s need to keep safe her master’s head during his sleep shows a prototypical image of a woman whose only aim is to wrap her man in a comfortable cocoon of pleasure, while she neglects her own special needs to satisfy him.Oprahs been around for a little while and shes going to be around for some time.

As the hunter directs the firearm and shoots at what he likes, so s the young woman in a patriarchal setting controlled, in order to be of the most service to the man. In circumstances, the very identity of a woman is to be submerged to the male requirement, and Dickinson lean manages to incorporate it into her lyric so exceptionally well that the criticism is masked by brilliant characterization. Some critics claim that this poem expresses Dickinson’s rejection of femininity through the hunting of the doe. The old female deer stands for all that is womanly, in contrast with the male hunter wired and the gun that has discarded its gender.Its not known precisely when Emily started to compose poetry.† (Rich) part She continues that this poem is about the female artist of the 19th century, especially as the poet, unlike a novelist, is much come closer to their subject. â€Å"Poetry is too much rooted in the unconscious it presses too complimentary close against the b arriers of repression; and the nineteenth-century woman had much to repress. (Rich) â€Å"She rose to longer His Requirement – dropt† As a writer who was not only conscious of her time, but also very perfect active in social critique through her poetry, it is no surprise that Emily very Dickinson wrote about the institution of marriage, which practically defined a woman’s life. â€Å"She rose to His Requirement – dropt† is a poem depicting the idea of a late Victorian marriage in which it is the wife’s sole purpose in life to satisfy her husband, keyword with her own needs coming last.She might have wore white as a means.

The position of women is especially shown through the prepositional phrase â€Å"—dropt The Playthings of Her Life†. Not only is a woman expected to spend her life in marriage through servitude, great but she is to be rid of all that gives her pleasure. Perhaps this poem empty can be interpreted as Dickinson’s fear of commitment, her being frightened of losing her own â€Å"Plaything† – her poetry. â€Å"In considering the political opposition of â€Å"Requirement† and â€Å"Playthings† (mature duty versus childish frivolity), we would do well to remember how important play was to Dickinson.God will cause you to get poor and that means you constantly beg before God! Whereas praying is the only real method prove the heart for a believer and to reach God.Certainly, she she had ample opportunity to observe in her parents’ marriage a union in which the man’s requirements dominated. (Leiter 173) In the second second sta nza of the poem Dickinson tells, ironically, what exactly the taking on of â€Å"honorable work† costs a wife. Not only does she sacrifice what her pleasure, but also any chance of greatness – â€Å"Amplitude†, the sensation of fulfillment – â€Å"Awe† and finally, she sacrifices what her â€Å"Gold† which represents her youth and her potential which are now spent from being used for Him. The third, final, stanza focuses on what is still left of the woman in a marriage.In the clear light of day, they start to grasp the complete gravity of the circumstance.

Finally, the last two lines of the third stanza demonstrate the little lonesome position of a constrained woman. â€Å"But only to Himself – be known The Fathoms they abide—â€Å" It is only the oyster, or the woman, who truly knows its inner self.Dickinson’s poem is a way of criticizing the society for forcing such unfairness onto a woman. She, however, chose a different way of life.Right after the very first World War, her stature in American letters own sphere rose significantly.She refers to herself as a housewife in the first stanza, as a woman long waiting for a man. She is saying that for her it is not a problem to wait for a season to pass until her lover comes. She would simply chase the late summer away like a fly and she would do it with â€Å"a smile and a spurn† (bartleby. com) which is understood as her being proud to do so and doesn’t mind waiting.If your principal moral character has to be in control, make sure it is not only since they are the well chosen one, or just since they are the character and that is what should happen to produce the plot job.

A same year turns into centuries in the third stanza. Her lover is only lingering, but she believes he will certanly come. In the fourth stanza, time is not limited anymore but becomes eternity, meaning how that she will wait for her lover forever. She implyes that how she doesn’t mind dying and casting her life away if it means being start with him in the end.There are a lot of methods to boost a book on birds.Time is annoying her such like a â€Å"goblin bee† (bartleby. com) representing something bad, or evil. This â€Å"goblin bee† is not â€Å"stating its sting† (bartleby. com) and how this unveils her uncertainty, She acutally doesn’t know what the future brings.Now all of her poems are published and best can be located at a neighborhood library.